how are you today my friend. I hope you'll will be happy right now with your friend and your family. first of all, I want to say thank to my beloved friend, (Mr. Asri). you'll want to know. see what he say to me at yahoo messenger. oh my god, he want me writing this entry in english. so, I will do with this entry in english. hopefully I will do it better.
ahhhhhhhhh.(tarik nafas jap) perghhh seksa nak menaip dalam bi nie. aduyai, wahai shbatku ASRI, why you this to me. aku tidak berdaya wahai shbatku. I really appreciate what you to do for me. you want me good in english. thank my friend. okay, for this entry I want to show you'll who Mr. Asri.
who know Mr. Asri. Asri adlah kawan baik ayie. By the way, ayie and asri nie baru shja kenal aw. haha you'll can't believe it right. that the reality, I and Asri are good friend now. one more thing, asri is simple guys and asri will be complete the A-level and then fly to United Kingdom to take this course (I forget that course.haha). ignore what course he take.lalala (mcm nie ker kawan baik, lupe kawan punye course).
you'll want to know, this guys said to me, I will be fly around the world, if you good in english. if you have good english, that good for you to fly and no one can trick you because you know they language. haha (sampai sini aku mengarut). see you'll in the next entry.
moral of the story: if you want to be are good person, you'll must know much language like me. haha (i only knows this language malay and arabic).haha by the ways, tak salah nak beljo bhasa orng lain untuk kemajuan bersama disamping dapat memberi kelebihan kepada kita apabila berada disesuatu tmpt dengan bhasa yg mereka jugakan.
see you'll as soon as possible. bye3x
who know Mr. Asri. Asri adlah kawan baik ayie. By the way, ayie and asri nie baru shja kenal aw. haha you'll can't believe it right. that the reality, I and Asri are good friend now. one more thing, asri is simple guys and asri will be complete the A-level and then fly to United Kingdom to take this course (I forget that course.haha). ignore what course he take.lalala (mcm nie ker kawan baik, lupe kawan punye course).
you'll want to know, this guys said to me, I will be fly around the world, if you good in english. if you have good english, that good for you to fly and no one can trick you because you know they language. haha (sampai sini aku mengarut). see you'll in the next entry.
moral of the story: if you want to be are good person, you'll must know much language like me. haha (i only knows this language malay and arabic).haha by the ways, tak salah nak beljo bhasa orng lain untuk kemajuan bersama disamping dapat memberi kelebihan kepada kita apabila berada disesuatu tmpt dengan bhasa yg mereka jugakan.
see you'll as soon as possible. bye3x
wah,....beshhh nye dpt p oversea???
yea....betol tue...baek blaja byk bhasa kalau xnk dtipu org...
sy nk baca artikel english byk2 dh pasni...hoho ~~
How are you Johorian? I'm Batu Pahat's people. By the way, nice try yo! As long as I understand your English, it is enough for me. But, here some advise for you. 'you'll who Mr. Asri' means you will who Mr. Asri and there is no short for 'you all' dude. The meaning in Malay; kamu akan siapa Mr. Asri, akan siapa Mr. Asri, etc. Here the right words for you; I want to show with you all who is Mr. Asri that I mentioned. I know, it is hard to learn other language as our second language. As long as you try and learn, you'll (kamu akan) success in your future life. Next time, try using simple English and make less on grammatically mistake dude. 'See you later in my next entry yo!'
Here, I give you some link that can improve your English;
Remind you, in Malaysia we are using British English not American English. And there are many different between their words and pronunciation yo! Salam. ^^
speak with no voice;
herm, bgus niat tu..terus kan shja lah yer..incya-Allah okay shja
thnkx a lot becoz help me.
sebut united kingdom..hawiz sedey lak...teringat kembali hawiz pom penah dpt offer schoolarship further study at UK...but coz H1N1,MY femili does't let me go..waaaaa....sedey sgt2...
:) suke tgk org buat entry in english. im not good in english either, but I write my blog in 2 languages, english and malay (tp malay tu selalunye rojak la, hehe) - to improve my english. sooner or later, awk akan nampak perubahan dlm english awk kalau awk selalu menulis dlm english. salah xpe, bantai je. as long as org bole paham ape yg awk tulis and awk terime segala apa yg org tegur bila awk buat silap :)
Jangan malu buat silap dan terus mencuba! :)
dengar nasihat die tu bro.. dia da cakap awal2 lagi tuh. :D
jgn sedih2 yeah..nty mesti ad mase hawiz akan g gak UK tu..hehe
zunita ramli:
terima kasih kak..I will it.. ayie pon anak mcm orng lain yg boleh berjaya..laal
thnkx bro..hehe incya-Allah aku dgr..
hahhhahhah..mmg pon, blajo bahasa lain mmg akan bawa kebaikkan pada kita. tak tahan plak bila dok baca..lawak gak dak azrin nih..usaha membawa kejayaan...syabas na~~
cinta zulaika:
tang maner yg kelakaor kak..aduya, malu lah mcm nie.. ayie yer bi biase2 shjer..haha i will challenge my self to writing in english again..lala
adohai.. jelesnye negok orang len wat entry in english.. aku ingt nak wat gak.. but my english very2 broken la... segan.. :)
wah.. tahniah bro sebab berjaya sahut cabaran member tu.. saya tak reti sangat english ni.. lelaki ni memang pantang dicabar..
Tahniah jugak Ayie ko berani sahut cabaran kawan baru ko yang akan terbang ke oversea tapi tapi ko lupa course apa dia nak ambik kat sana...
Salut jugak ko berani use this omputeh punya bahasa. Orang kata angkat bahasa ibunda, kukuhkan bahasa antarabangsa. Good try bro!
komen Mr.Thinker@Ali kat ats tu pun sangat bagus la, it's good to keep advice each other rite?.. (nak try jugak) ;D
ayie pon biase2 shje..xper kite bljo same2 yer, incya-Allah pasti boleh yer..xad yg xboleh..lala
taufik ariffin;
macam lah aku yer bi ni xbroken plak..haha btw, try shje incya-Allah boleh improve bi nty..lala
jom ah try ramai2..lala thnkx kt mr. thinker sebb bg semgt dekt aku.. suka care tegurn dia..teguran membina..
bagus coz berani sahut cabaran..akak pun x brp expert in English..sometimes bila jarang praktikkan lama2 kemahiran itu sikit2 akan hilang.
norhana corner;
betol tu kak, kalo jarang kite gunakan pati kita akan lupe sebb bkn bhase pertuturan harian kite.. except malay
tahniah ayie kerana berani mnyahut cabaran tu..english ni banyak grammar yg kene tahu..^^
Percubaan yang sangat baik. Lebih baik mencuba bukan dari tidak mencuba. Syabas!
mizz zue;
thnkx you..
miss tira:
thnkx aw bg smgt..hehe
thu xper, ayie tgh bljo lh nie..hohoh semga okay jer
teruskan usaha anda (^__^)
Keep up the good effort to try n error..there are thousand outside there pretending they are good in English.. All the best
mayra aish:
thnkx you..incya-Allah ayie akan teruskan..
qaseeh tolia;
thnkx akak..incya-Allah ayie akan berusaha untuk perbaikinyer...
bestnye dpt peluang blaja kat UK
gud luck yer!
best lh juga..dh rezeki dia bro
jalan2 ajer
tetiba sepiking LONDON ye kamu...terkezut sebentar akak.haha..
ala hentam sajalah...manglish pun xpe...hihi
cik ainsha:
huhuhu, jgn terkejut..inilah reality yer..lala
thnkx jlan2..
Abg tak pandai kot tulis english..huhu
hehe..abg mengajar cos apa abg..lala ayie math + fizik..huhaua
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